Sunday, February 22, 2009

And the MRI Guy was nice, too

Well, I'm bouncy! That's probably because I had a good nap in the MRI machine. "What's that, Louise?" you say. "Why were you in an MRI tube?" "That's a great question, friend," I answer. "That also happens to be why I earned $50 this afternoon!"

...Yeah, so I did this pysch study this afternoon. Lying around in a hospital gown + 2 hours in the MRI machine = $50 + getting to see pictures of my corpus callosum. It was a pretty sweet deal. I was worried that I'd be claustrophobic (they KEPT asking me if I was) or forget to take an earring out and have it be magnetically ripped out of my ear, but all that happened was that I kept falling asleep. Then I got to see pictures of my brain. Trippy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am at the library too much

I want to be a creepster and go around taking pictures of people asleep in the library faceplanted onto their physics textbooks. Then I'd put it all together in a tasteful photography series called Souls at the Reg or something equally terrible.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Your political fact of the day

FACT: Obama's stimulus bill (now in the Senate) includes a provision that none of the projects go to the state of Illinois unless Rod Blagojevich is no longer governer.

Love that Congress.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Chitin is not pronounced the way I think it is

I'm supposed to be studying fungi for my Diversity & Evolution of Plants midterm [the wrath of God will shortly fall upon in the form of this test] [and yes I know it's Saturday night] and the material is often interesting, but not interesting enough to stop me from watching this peach decay over and over again:

(image from Andrew Dunn via Wikipedia)

ETA: Also it makes me wonder what we are doing eating mushrooms, when their cell walls are surrounded by CHITIN, which is what makes up the exoskeletons of crabs and lobsters and beetles. WEIRD.